The Revive sauna heater is a sleek & modern, high end sauna heater designed to give a truly amazing sauna experience for every sauna user. The tower design holding up to 200 pounds of rocks with our inner air-flow chamber design allows for large amounts of water to be added to the heater creating large amounts of steam and increasing the humidity to the room. This beautiful heater was designed for the sauna user who desires that increased humidity and have a more wet-sauna experience.
Cedar direction on the ceiling - Our standard cedar direction is the shortest length. Which is generally the cedar running front (door) to back.
i.e. 5x7 with door on 7' wall. Cedar on ceiling will be 5'.
Where door is on short wall, we reserve the right to supply shortest lengths at side to side in such cases.
i.e. 8x6 with door on 6' wall. Cedar on ceiling will be 6' lengths.
** Confirm Door Selection & Rough Opening when ordering.
Door Handle options for cedar framed style doors:
Standard : Contoured cedar handle standard
Option: Modern Designer Dowel style with metal accents
Note: Frameless glass doors include the long designer handle.
Note: Price will decrease with 2 tier "L" bench.
Please deduct the door from Sauna Doors Option.
Glass not included.
For optimal sauna experience sauna height of 83-1/2" is recommended.
Heights over 8 feet are strongly discouraged.
LED strip accent ligthing is available with any kit. 8' strip is standard . You can use your own "non-dimmable" light switch or you can control through the Tylo heater with Pure or Elite control. Order additional 8' LED strip for lights on adjoining wall or top and bottom of same wall.
Size: |
Knotty Cedar |
Type: |
Knotty (Floating Bench Style) |
Bench: |
4x7 Knotty Cedar (Floating Bench) |
Standard Two Tier (1x4 Bench Tops) (4X7 Cedar) : No selection $0.00 |
Top "L" (1x4 Bench Tops)(4x7 Cedar) : No selection $0.00 |
Sauna Craft : No selection $0.00 |
Controls: No selection $0.00 |
Tylo : No selection $0.00 |
Saaku SL2-6 Kw (WiFi) : No selection $0.00 |
Homecraft Revive Heater-5 Kw : No selection $0.00 |
Controls Homecraft Revive : No selection $-250.00 |
Ceiling Lining Direction : No selection $0.00 |
SAUNA DOORS : No selection $0.00 |
Door Hinge : No selection $0.00 |
Door Handle : No selection $0.00 |
Floor Boards (walking area only) LK-47 : No selection $0.00 |
Built-in Backrest : No selection $0.00 |
Front Wall Knotty Cedar - 7 ft : No selection $0.00 |
Sauna Height Knotty Cedar 4x7 : No selection $0.00 |
Sauna Kit Lighting : No selection $0.00 |
LED Strip Lighting : No selection $0.00 |
Accessory Packages : No selection $0.00 |
Product Price: $4485,00
Options amount:
Select a Tab Below for More Info
Knotty Sauna Kits
Standard Layouts (4x7)
Common Sauna Layouts
Construction Manuals
Tylo Features
Combi Steaming Heater
Sauna Craft Features
All Knotty kits are exactly the same with the exception of the bench style.
The Knotty (1x4) and Knotty (Floating) both use 1x4 bench tops.
Knotty (1x4) includes 2x2 cedar fllor sopprts as required (generally 24" to 30" on center).
For the Knotty (Floating), you provide your 2x6 Spruce bench substructure. We provide mounting hardware and 1x4 cedar to cover the bench frame.
The Knotty (2x4) uses 2x4 clear cedar for bench tops and bench sleepers. and 2x4 center supports where required.
Overview |
Knotty (1x4 Bench Tops)
Sauna Craft CW-M w/ TPT3 Control
Knotty (2x4 Bench Tops)
Sauna Craft CW-M w/ TPT3 Control
Knotty (Floating Bench Tops)
Sauna Craft CW-M w/ TPT3 Control
Lining | 11/16 Knotty | 11/16 Knotty | 11/16 Knotty |
Lining | Full Lengths(no seams up to 8') Horizontal Standard (up to 8'x8'). Vertical may be available as option |
Benches |
1x4 bench tops 2x4 wall cleats (hangers) 2x2 floor supports (as required) |
2x4 bench tops 2x4 wall cleats 2x4 floor supports (as required) |
1x4 bench tops Full depth bottom bench Bench frame by others |
L-Bench |
Optional |
Backrest |
Optional |
Optional |
Optional |
Bench Skirt |
N/A |
Optional |
N/A |
Door |
Frameless Tempered Glass Door has long Designer handle. Cedar framed doors with 16"x64" insulated tempered glass is optional. |
All doors pre-hung to ease installation | |||
Heater |
Sauna Craft CW-M Model Other heater options |
Sauna Craft CW-M Model Other heater options |
Sauna Craft CW-M Model Other heater options |
Control |
Sauna Craft TPT3 |
Sauna Craft TPT3 |
Sauna Craft TPT3 |
Floor Boards | Optional | ||
Cedar Slide Vent | cedar slide vent | ||
Galvanized/Treated Fasteners | Yes | ||
Foil | Yes | ||
Light | Yes | ||
Corner Molding | Yes | ||
Inside Cedar Casing | Yes | ||
Standard Accessories (Bucket, dipper, thermometer) |
Optional | ||
Additional Accessories: (Sand timer, headrest, Eucalyptus, towel wrap) |
Optional |
Note: Below are merely short form instructions for your consideration. The material kit will come with a full manual including detailed drawings.
Use 2 x 4 construction grade spruce studs to frame the walls and ceiling. If the ceiling span is over 10', use 2 x 6 studs. Unless otherwise specified, for saunas up to 8' x 8', the walls are LINED HORIZONTALLY and FRAMED VERTICALLY. Frame the walls at 16" on center. Frame or strap the ceiling to an inside height of 83-1/2". Frame the ceiling so that the cedar will run the shortest direction. Provide extra blocking for bench supports and heater.
Standard kit height 831/2". Most Saunas are 7' height or lower. Minimum height is generally 75" to 78" depending on heater model.
Maximum sauna height should never be higher than 8'. If you really want higher, we strongly urge being as close to 7' as you can, i.e. 7'-4" or 7'-6". (Extra cost for additional cedar.)
For standard horizontal lining, strapping is not required.
If lining vertically, strap (1 x 2 spf) over the foil to change direction. Can be used to create air space, but it is not necessary.
Electrical rough-in of heater, control and light should be done at this time. If using an outside control, the thermostat should be installed at this stage. (See heater specifications and control wiring diagrams for wire and breaker sizes.) Hook-up of the heater and light can be done after the sauna is completed.
The space between the studs in the walls and ceiling is filled with 3-1/2", R-12 fiberglass insulation.
Foil vapour barrier over the inside edge face of studs over the insulation.
Use the specified lengths of tongue and groove cedar (see "Material Packing List"). Depending on the actual inside finished size of your sauna, it may be necessary to trim these boards. Nail through the tongue only in order to conceal all nail heads (Blind nailing). Use the 11/2" nails supplied. Install the tongue and groove to the ceiling first. Start lining the walls at the floor and work your way up. The first board should be left about 1/2" off the floor. Cut the last board to fit.
Fasteners supplied are galvanized nails and treated deck screws. All fastening is to be blind nailed.
Depending on kit selected, there are clear 1 x 4 or 2 x 4 boards for bench top construction. Depending on the actual inside finished size of your sauna, it may be necessary to trim these boards. Before doing any fastening, select the boards to make sure the better face of the board comes out on the sitting surface. When building the benches, the better side will be face down as you are fastening from the bottom. This is so there are no nails or screws on the finished surface. Use the treated nails and screws supplied. If the sauna is 5' or more deep, the top bench is 20" deep and the bottom bench is 16" deep. If the sauna is 4' deep, the benches will be 20" & 8". Spacing between the bench boards should be about 9/16". (You can make gap smaller, but it will affect overall bench depth. You will have to adjust framing accordingly).
It is important to have two tier benches. the warmest air is closer ot ceiling. Sitting at a lower level, you will not feel the heat.
Door Rough Opening.
Standard: Frameless door Rough Opening: 27-1/2" x 76-1/2"
Optional: Cedar framed door style Rough Opening 26" x 76-1/2"
ROUGH OPENING: If unsure which door you want we recommend going with the wider. You can always reduce and trim later.
Frameless glass door has jamb on four sides. And comes with detachable spacer for bottom which has channel for back up ventilation
With spacer, rough opening will be 27-1/2" x 76-1/2"
Cedar framed door with 16" x 64" insulated glass or Solid cedar door with smaller 12"x24" insulated glass.
All doors are Pre-hung on jamb.
Frameless Glass Door = 24" x 72". With bottom spacer, Rough Opening=271/2 x 761/2".)
Cedar Door Style. Size = 24" x 74". Standard Rough opening=26" x 761/2".
Larger and custom doors available (i.e Tall Door=24"x78", Commercial Door=28"x78", Handicap Access=36"x78")
Sauna Craft CW- model heaters can be mounted in the corner or on a straight wall.
Tylo (& Saaku) Sauna Heaters are designed to mount on the straight wall.
Use the 2 x 2 for the vertical posts and the 1 x 3 for the horizontal rails.
Use 1 x 4, square edge laid over 1x4 sleepers. Build as with benches with good face on walking surface. Top boards should be spaced approx. 5/8" apart. The sleepers should be placed at 1'-0" on center.
Commercial (public) saunas should have a drain in the center of the floor (sloped to the drain) to facilitate cleaning.
Most residential saunas have drains, but it is not essential. Water should only be used in moderation. (Our rule of thumb: If you are doing complete reno; i.e., breaking floors, new shower & bathroom, etc., we would suggest a sauna drain. If you are putting sauna in to an already finished area, it is likely not worth the cost to add a drain.
For residential, tile is attractive and functional; however, it is also acceptable to leave cement. If sauna is on upper level with wood sub-floor, there should be a rubber membrane, cement scratch coat and tile (like shower floor).
If floor is sloped to drain, mosaic tiles are best.
You may add a tile baseboard up the wall 2-3"
Mechanical thermostat and Spring Timer at front bottom of heater.
Low voltage separate control with light diodes.
Low voltage separate control. Touch pad &WiFi
Separate steaming reservior.
Low voltage separate control with light diodes.
Separate steaming reservoir. Low voltage separate control.
Touch pad &WiFi
Tylö sauna heaters are widely renowned and greatly respected for their high quality and distinct features - but not everyone knows all the reasons for this. That's why we'd like to take this opportunity to point out some of the most important benefits of the Tylö design and explain what this means for you. Read on to find out why the hottest range of sauna heaters on the market knocks all the others cold.
"Thermosafe" velvety covering ensures a low surface temperature - just 40°C on the front and sides of the heater.
Twin side chambers maximize the through-flow of air, minimize heat-up time and economize on running costs.
No other sauna heater uses less energy.
Test after test confirms that Tylö is the most energy-efficient sauna heater.
A divided output is the secret behind the constant bathing temperature and lower energy consumption of a Tylö heater. Divided output means the heaters elements cycle in stages. Other heaters go on/off, on/off, etc. causing a temperature swing. Tylo heaters maintain an overall higher and more consistent temperature.
Only Tylö has a solid-cast top, inner casing and stainless steel stone compartment.
Tylö is the only sauna manufacturer to produce its own heating elements - the very heart of every heater. High quality here is crucial for a long service life, and Tylö elements are widely regarded as unsurpassed.
A deep generously proportioned stone compartment, and direct contact between the stones and the heating elements ensure perfect water sprinkling with 100% vaporization.
Tylö makes sure that the quantity of stones is perfectly matched to the output. Too many stones prolong heating-up times, leading to higher energy consumption and poorer steam generating performance. Tylö heaters are also the only ones on the market that can be used with or without stones.
This unique Tylö feature further enhances your sauna bathing experiences.
With a Tylö heater, you can enjoy a pleasant sauna, wet or dry, at whatever temperature you choose from 40-90°C (104-194°F).
Time and time again Tylö has scored top marks in Finnish sauna tests. Tylö was first awarded the coveted 'Best in Test' accolade in competition with seven Finnish heaters in 1982. A test published in a Finnish magazine (Kuluttaja no. 5, 1995) confirmed that Tylö also has the quickest heating-up time and lowest energy consumption. A SEMKO test in April 1999 confirmed this result and also proved that the steam generating performance of Tylö heaters was unrivaled.
Click for more info: Tylo Combi Steaming Sauna Heater Brochure
The Tylo Sense Combi is quite simply the most sophisticated sauna heater on the market - the only heater that lets you enjoy traditional or Soft Sauna in one and the same room. The choice is yours. We call it Soft Sauna.
A gentle way to share a pleasurable experience. It is just as much a way of life as it is a technical sensation, and yet it takes up just a few square meters of space in your home. Invite your friends and family, select a therapeutic essential oil, feel the warmth and gentle. Steam engulf you, and enjoy being together. Let Soft Sauna make an impression on your day.
Soft Sauna picks up where traditional saunas leave off. Some people prefer a hot and quick sauna, others like to linger in mild temperatures, enjoying the gentle steam and aromatic fragrances. Test for yourself which temperatures and options are ideal for you and your relaxing moment.
Imagine having a family home spa with the resources of a professional spa where you can relax together, exquisitely engulfed in steam and aromatic scents – and yet also be able to enjoy the relaxing dry heat of a traditional sauna. Choose the sauna cubicle and heater that suits you and the way you want your moment to be. A moment that stretches on and beyond.
The Combi is like having two saunas in one. In dry mode, it operates like a typical sauna - high heat, low humidity. In "soft sauna" or steam-sauna mode, it is an entirely different sensation. When you splash water on the rocks, you to get that blast of heat. Many of those who enjoy saunas love that sensation. Others find it a bit too intense. When you slow boil the water, you soften the heat. It takes the edge off. The Combi broadens the appeal of saunas. Those who have historically not like saunas really enjoy it. And old fashioned sauna enthusiast love it even more. You can still splash water on the rocks in steam mode to get that wave of extra heat. The Sense Combi is a true hybrid. Two distinct sauna experiences in one and the same room.
The Combi produces steam and the sauna is more humid that a typical sauna, but it does not generate steambath levels of steam. It is not a Turkish bath. You will see steam rising off the heater and you will feel the difference, but the walls do not get wet. And once the Combi has completed its steam cycle, the sauna portion comes on high for 20 minutes to help bake the room dry.
Click for more info: Tylo Combi Steaming Sauna Heater Brochure
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(for saunas up to 450 cubic feet)
CWM: |
100% Stainless Steal. |
CW-XR: |
100% Stainless Steal. |
Residential Warranty: 5 years. |
Commercial Warranty: |
1 year |
CW-XR: Residential Warranty: |
Lifetime. |
Commercial Warranty: |
3 year |
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(for saunas over 450 cubic feet)
FM: |
100% Stainless Steal. |
FM-XR: |
100% Stainless Steal. |
Residential Warranty: 5 years. |
Commercial Warranty: |
1 year |
CW-XR: Residential Warranty: |
Lifetime. |
Commercial Warranty: |
3 year |
Contact us to discuss or send a drawing of what you have in mind. There are many great new designer features being incorporated in saunas; inspired by online designer showcase websites. We will help you balance function vs. fashion. We will advise on how best to utilize the space. And just importantly, we will tell you if we think your design is bad or unworkable.
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